Ajith Kumar recently added a Porsche GT3 RS to his car collection. The news was announced by his wife Shalini. On Friday, the former actress shared a picture of the luxury car on her Instagram handle. Ajith is also seen in the picture.
Sharing the photo, Shalini wrote, “He has the car, the style and my heart.”
This picture is from the Porsche showroom. In the photo, Ajith Kumar is seen in a casual look, wearing a white shirt with cargo pants. Later, his fan pages also shared several pictures of his recent visit to the showroom on social media.
The Porsche GT3 RS is the petrol version of the Porsche 911 lineup and is priced at Rs 3.51 crore.
Ajith is a car and bike enthusiast. He is often spotted going on bike rides. According to India Today, the actor also bought a Ferrari worth Rs 9 crore in August after a video of him driving a red Ferrari went viral on social media.
Apart from cars, the actor is also known for his love for bikes. His collection includes the BMW S 1000 RR, BMW K 1300 S, Aprilia Caponord 1200 and Kawasaki Ninja ZX-145. According to cartoq.com, his car collection also includes cars like Ferrari 458 Italia, BM1 740 Li and Honda Accord V6.
Talking about work, Ajith has recently completed the shooting of his film Vida Muyarchy. Directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the film has not yet decided its release date. The actor is now busy shooting for Good Bad Ugly with director Adhik Ravichandran. The film is scheduled to release on Pongal 2025.