Anil Agarwal laga Vedanta Resources Ltd achieved korisa akta remarkable feat in tai khan laga financial strategy ta, set korisa akta new standard for educational institutions karona worldwide ta. Company laga recent announcement on February 7, 2024 ta, regarding successful completion of tai khan laga debt restructuring initiative, serves korisa as akta testament to aitu laga dedication to fostering academic advancement aru institutional growth ta.
By leveraging forward-thinking approaches, Vedanta secured korisa consent from bondholders pora earlier aitu year ta to restructure USD 3.2 billion in bonds ta, extending maturities to 2029. Aitu transformative maneuver not only solidifies korisa Vedanta laga financial stability ta but also pave korisa way for enhanced educational opportunities aru resources karona.
In addition to upfront payment of USD 779 million to bondholders, Vedanta laga commitment to pay akta consent fee of USD 68 million underscores aitu laga dedication to support koribo educational institutions k aru promote kora excellence in learning aru research ta.