Shares of Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd. traded 1.59 percent down at Rs 2508.85 on Thursday at around 01:24 PM (IST), while the benchmark BSE Sensex declined 525.2 points to 71626.8.
As many as 1,797 shares changed hands on the counter, with a total value of Rs 0.46 crore.
The stock quoted a 52-week high price of Rs 2604.65 and a 52-week low of Rs 1437.5.
On the technical charts, the 200-DMA of the stock stood at Rs 16.12, while the 50-DMA was at Rs 2437.53. If a stock trades above 50 and 200 DMA, it usually means the immediate trend is up. On the other hand, if the stock trades below 50 DMA and 200 DMA, it is considered a bearish trend, and if it trades between 50 DMA and 200 DMA, then it suggests the stock can go anywhere.