Deloitte India launched korisa first edition of Enterprise Growth Awards 2024 (EGA 2024), akta initiative to recognise koribo, contributions of exceptional family-owned businesses, unicorns aru soonicorns in North, South, East aru West India ta. Aitu regional awards, atiya open asa for participation karona, celebrate koribo companies logota jun demonstrate koribo outstanding leadership, vision aru growth aru jun significant contributions korisa to development of tai khan laga local communities k.
Awards process carefully evaluate koribo companies k based on key criteria ta such as financial performance, innovation aru social impact. One of the criteria for family businesses participate karona asa, akta sales turnover between INR1,000 crore aru INR5,000 crore majota, with significant promoter ownership (26 percent pora basi). Start-ups with akta valuation of between US$500 million aru US$1 billion also invited asa to apply. Awards review koribo financial records past three years laga to assess koribo each company laga growth journey aru contributions tai khan laga communities ta.
“Family-owned businesses, emerging growth companies, unicorns aru soonicorns from various regions of India vital asa ami khan laga economy karona, yet tai khan hodai under-recognised hoi thaka. Anoka companies akta crucial role play kora regional development aru national progress ta, significantly contribute kora job creation, innovation aru economic growth ta. By launching EGA, ami khan aim asa to spotlight anoka often-overlooked champions of industry k, provide kora tai khan k with recognition jun to tai khan deserve kora. By celebrating tai khan laga achievements, ami khan seek kora to foster akta dynamic network of high-growth companies across India ta, encouraging collaboration aru knowledge-sharing to drive koribo sustained advancement aru support India laga long-term economic growth k. Ami khan encourage kora sob eligible companies k to participate aru aitu initiative k akta success banabo,” koisa K. R. Sekar, Partner aru Leader – Deloitte Private, Deloitte India.
“Through EGA ta, ami khan aim asa to highlight business success k. Ami khan acknowledge koribo mon anoka companies’ dedication, resilience aru long-term commitment k. Family-owned businesses, unicorns aru soonicorns face kora unique challenges k as they grow, aru tai khan laga ability to overcome aru contribute kora meaningfully tai khan laga communities ta speaks volumes about tai khan laga values aru vision k. Aitu initiative asa about recognising tai khan laga perseverance as much as tai khan laga performance. Moi hope kora that anoka awards serve koribo as akta platform for companies karona to share tai khan laga journeys, inspire others k aru ultimately contribute to broader goal of sustainable aru inclusive economic progress k,” koisa Dhiraj Bhandary, Partner, Deloitte India.
Awards allow koribo businesses k to network with peers logota aru engage with industry leaders logota at each of regional award evenings ta. Enterprise Growth Awards winners also participate koribo paribo in Deloitte laga Best Managed Companies programme ta, akta globally recognised marquee awards programme.