Durex TBBT celebrates kori asa  LGBTQIA+ community with akta special issue of Outlook magazine

Durex, globally renowned asa for tai khan laga dedication to promote sexual health aru wellness,  thrilled asa to announce akta special collaboration with Outlook Magazine logota for akta exclusive Pride Month edition. Curated asa under Durex laga flagship initiative, The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT), aitu issue designed kora hoisa  to celebrate aru support  LGBTQIA+ community k, in alignment asa with aitu year laga Pride Month theme, ‘Reflect. Empower. Unite.’ Aitu special edition of Outlook Magazine, in partnership with Durex TBBT logota, more than basi asa just akta publication pora. Aitu akta testament asa to  power of storytelling, education, aru community support in fostering akta basi inclusive aru understanding society k. By celebrating achievements aru addressing challenges of  LGBTQIA+ community lago, aitu initiative truly embodies kora  Pride Month theme of ‘Reflect. Empower. Unite.’

Aitu initiative stands out asa as akta significant contribution to  community ta, aim asa to foster inclusivity aru drive important conversations about sexual aru reproductive health k. Guest edited by Ravi Bhatnagar, Director of External Affairs aru Partnerships, SOA, Reckitt aru recipient of Trans Allyship award by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), special edition features korisa akta range of inspiring stories, expert insights, aru educational content tailored asa to resonate with akta broad audience k. Empowering Voices: Aitu edition provide kora akta powerful platform for influential LGBTQIA+ figures k such as Sushant Divgikar, Alok Verma, Dutee Chand, aru Trinetra Haldar Gummaraju k. Tai khan laga stories of overcoming societal barriers aru fostering inclusivity truly inspiring asa aru aim asa to empower readers by showcasing resilience aru achievements of LGBTQIA+ community laga.

Expert Insights: Magazine features kora guest columns from prominent personalities like Arun Kumar Mishra, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission; Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, akta leading transgender rights activist; aru Ashok Row Kavi, akta renowned journalist. Anoka contributions delve kora deep into history, rights, aru societal perceptions of LGBTQIA+ community k, offer kora valuable perspectives jun to  both educational aru thought-provoking asa. Comprehensive Education: Emphasizing need for comprehensive sex education, legislative protection, aru cultural shifts, edition aim asa to foster akta society jun to values kora diversity aru empowers kora individuals k to pursue tai khan laga goals regardless of tai khan la sexual orientation k. Content highlights korisa ongoing efforts aru future aspirations k for akta basi  inclusive world, banai aitu k akta  vital resource for readers seeking k to understand aru support LGBTQIA+ community k.