Fake videos: NSE laga CEO Chauhan impersonated, education key to spotting deception

National Stock Exchange (NSE) face kori asa akta unique challenge: protect kori asa integrity of tai khan laga  esteemed CEO, Shri Ashishkumar Chauhan, from clutches of deepfake videos. Aitu sophisticated manipulations, impersonat korisa  Chauhan laga voice aru facial expressions, emerged hoisa across various platforms ta, peddling kori asa  false stock advice tai laga nam ta.

Impact of anoka deceitful creations extends hoisa beyond realm of finance, strike kori asa heart of trust ta aru authenticity in akta increasingly digitized society ta. NSE laga response swift aru resolute asa, issue korisa akta heartfelt plea to investors k to remain vigilant aru discerning amidst deluge of misinformation.

Chauhan karona, ordeal personal asa, as tai laga identity fodder hoisa  for malicious actors seeking to exploit unsuspecting investors. Beyond  financial implications, aitu underscores asa human toll of technological deception, remind kora ami khan k  importance of safeguarding trust in akta age of rampant manipulation ta.