As part of aitu ongoing commitment to road safety, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI) agi conduct korisa akta road safety awareness campaign in Dimapur, Nagaland ta. Aitu initiative educated korisa 1900 pora basi students aru staff members k from Livingstone Foundation International, Shalom Public School, aru Sakus Mission College reinforc korisa HMSI laga dedication to foster kora responsible road behavior among young individuals k.
Recognize korisa pivotal role of young individuals k in shaping akta safer road culture, HMSI laga campaign aim asa to instill kora safe road use habits through engaging aru interactive programs pora. By regularly conduct kori such initiatives across schools, colleges, aru institutions ta—both government aru non-government—HMSI seeks kora to significantly reduce road accidents aru foster akta culture of responsible road usage. Anoka campaigns seek kora to address pressing need for road safety education aru foster akta responsible driving habits, particularly among young riders k. Dimapur campaign featured korisa akta variety of activities designed kora hoisa to banabo road safety education comprehensive aru interactive. Participants engaged hoisa in theoretical safety riding lessons, danger prediction training, road safety quizzes, helmet awareness sessions, aru practical Riding Trainer exercises ta. Each activity craft kora hoisa to ensure lessons informative aru engaging, leaving akta lasting impact on participants ta.
HMSI expressed korisa gratitude to Livingstone Foundation International, Shalom Public School, aru Sakus Mission College k for tai khan laga support aitu campaign k akta success banabo karona. Collaboration underscores korisa akta shared commitment to creat kora safer roads aru reducing traffic accidents k. Since aitu laga inception in Nagaland ta, HMSI educated korisa nearly 2 lakh adults aru children k, focus aasila on promoting responsible road usage aru cultivating safe riding habits. Dimapur campaign marks korisa aru-akta milestone in HMSI laga ongoing efforts to make India laga roads safer sob karona.