Keep your mind and heart completely activate just by drinking coffee

Regular coffee consumption can increase life expectancy by about two years, according to a study. The same study also says that the two-year lifespan will be disease-free. That is, not just surviving, but living healthily. The University of Coimbra in Portugal, Europe, started a new study to verify the results of an old study on coffee. The results of that study have been published in the journal Aging Research Review. It says that regular coffee consumption can increase the average life expectancy of a person by at least 1.8 years. Eating more fast food, declining quality of packaged food, and increasing adulteration in processed food are all having an impact on overall health.

The study says that coffee contains more than two thousand potential bioactive ingredients. It contains antioxidants as well as various anti-inflammatory ingredients, which keep the human nervous system free of inflammation and regulate the effectiveness of insulin. Researcher Cunha says that usually with age, our physiological functions or biological functions start to deteriorate. Which can lead to various health problems. It can even lead to comorbidities like heart disease and kidney problems. But our research has shown how consuming a certain amount of coffee every day can help keep our metabolism fresh. The authors of the research paper report that coffee has anti-aging properties. Coffee can affect all the things that cause our bodies to age, such as cell changes and loss of genetic stability.