KRAFTON India, akta leading gaming company, announced korisa selection of inaugural cohort for tai khan laga recently launched KRAFTON India Gaming Incubator (KIGI). Announced korisa by KRAFTON in October 2023 ta, KIGI laga aim asa to provide kora mentorship for game development talent karona in India ta for akta duration range from six months to one year, as well as grants of up to $150,000.
KIGI chose korisa two startups from akta pool of talented applicants across India pora for aitu laga first cohort of action-adventure, cutting-edge mobile games. Selection process exhaustive aru grueling hoisa, spanning months. KRAFTON continues asa to evaluate applicants aru may consider koribo para basi startups k to aitu laga first cohort based on quality of applications aru products ta. With numerous applications received aru continued interest, KIGI plan asa to continue onboarding basi startups k, with upcoming second cohort being larger in size ta. Anuj Sahani, Head of KRAFTON India Incubator Program aru India Publishing Advisor, koisa “Ami khan eager asa to embark on aitu journey ta with tai khan logota, provide kora tailored support aru resources to amplify tai khan laga success ta.”
KIGI program, akta diverse aru inclusive initiative, aim asa to diversify aru expand India laga gaming landscape k by provide kori mentorship, funding, aru industry exposure to talented game developers k. Program aim asa to empower anoka developers k to launch innovative titles, enhance country laga gaming landscape k.