MakeMyTrip report showcase korisa travel trends in India ta

From Backpackers to Bon-Vivants – aru everything in between –Indian travellers khan not just reshaping kori asa realm of domestic tourism but also command kori asa akta increasingly important role in ambit of international travel ta, leaving no corner of globe too out of reach.  MakeMyTrip  released korisa tai khan laga India Travel Trends Report, analyze korisa top travel behaviors of 100 million+ annual active users k. Report provide korisa insights into where, when, aru how India travels kora, from both national aru region-wise perspectives pora.

Report highlights korisa akta 25% increase in number of people taking more than three trips per year in 2023 compared to 2019. Additionally,  destinations searche with or around religious spots in Tier-2 aru Tier-3 cities  grown hoisa by 97% in last two years ta. Rajesh Magow, Co-founder aru Group CEO, MakeMyTrip koisa, “Recognizing aru catering kora each traveller laga  diverse behaviour not only enhance koribo travel experiences but also contribute koribo significantly to growth aru development of tourism industry k.”

2023 ta, Indian travelers’ searche korisa  for Ayodhya, Ujjain, aru Badrinath increased housa by 585%, 359%, aru 343% compared to 2022. Weekend getaways, such as Jim Corbett, Ooty, aru Munnar, dekhisa akta increase of 131%. Dubai, Bangkok, aru Singapore most searched long-haul destinations asa, aru London, Toronto, aru New York most searched short-haul destinations asa. Emerging international destinations like Hong Kong, Almaty, Paro, Baku, Da Nang, aru Tbilisi also significant growth experienced korisa .