‘Oral health’ education at PHC Botsa

DIMAPUR: A training on “oral health” was organized by the National Oral Health Program (NOHP) in collaboration with the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) in Kohima for health workers, accredited social health activists (ASHAs), anganwadi workers (AWs), and community leaders on February 2 at the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Botsa, Kohima.
According to a DIPR report, during the training, district oral health officer Kohima, Dr. I. Simon Sum, spoke on the topic “Importance of Oral Health and Hygiene” and demonstrated proper tooth brushing techniques to the participants.
The adverse effects of tobacco on health were highlighted by social worker Achila Walling, while quitting tobacco habits was elaborated on by psychologist of NTCP Kohima, Pelebeinuo Khezhie.