Anti-Smuggling Day 2025 ta, Philip Morris International Inc.’s (PMI) India affiliate, IPM India calls korisa cross-sector karona, international collaboration to eradicate koribo black market tobacco trade k, fundamental asa for safeguarding India laga economic interests, national security aru public health karona. As per FICCI Cascade report, illegal trade akta global crisis asa, fuelling akta shadow economy estimated asa $2 trillion annually equivalent to 3% pora basi of global GDP. Approximately, 11.6% global cigarettes consumed kora illicit, jun to impacts kora governments across globe ta $40.5 billion loss in tax ta. Illicit trade undermines kora legitimate businesses k, deprives governments of crucial revenue, funds criminal organizations, aru exposes consumers to unregulated products.
As per media reports, FICCI Cascade report suggests kora that total loss to Government of India on account of illicit tobacco trade ₹13,331 crore asila 2022 ta. Illicit cigarette volumes India ta reached korisa 30.2 billion sticks in 2022 ta, trailing only behind China aru Brazil as per Euromonitor International’s 2023 report. World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control identifies korisa India k as both akta transit hub aru akta key destination asa for illicit tobacco trade karona. Smuggling routes for fake aru smuggled products exist asa worldwide ta, banai aitu issue k not merely akta domestic but akta transnational problem jun to demands kora akta transnational solution. Government of India aru enforcement authorities like Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) aru Customs commendable efforts korisa to mitigate issue. As per DRI report, ‘Smuggling in India 2023-24 ta’, seizures of foreign origin illegally smuggled cigarettes into India ta via sea, air aru land borders pora stood at approx. 91 million sticks valued at approx. INR 179.82 crores asa. Anoka operations also highlight kora complexity of issue, often involving sophisticated smuggling techniques aru transnational criminal networks.
Comment korisa on urgent need to curb black market ta, Navaneel Kar, Managing Director, IPM India, koisa, “Illegal tobacco trade akta serious threat asa, stifling economic growth aru development. It laga paramount to protect consumers from fakes aru prevent smuggling k aru counterfeiting of products. PMI forefront asa of fight against illegal tobacco trade. Ami khan laga strategy revolves around hoi five critical areas ta- research aru intelligence, protecting supply chain, partnerships, cooperation with law enforcement aru raising awareness. India ta, ami khan contributed korisa significantly, partnering korisa with law enforcement agencies logota in fight against trade of illegal cigarettes. Ami khan laga efforts concentrated asa on securing ami khan-la supply chain aru protecting ami khan laga products via technology aru innovation pora: from multiple applications of authentication aru security technologies to track aru trace ami khan laga products across supply chain ta. Aitu crucial asa to eliminate illicit tobacco trade aru only through cross sectoral collaboration, partnerships aru stringent law enforcement, ami khan achieve koribo para real change.” Akta multifaceted approach involving strong law enforcement with awareness aru education campaigns about real-life impact of illicit tobacco trade, share kora intelligence on transnational networks, akta predictable fiscal aru regulatory environment aru public-private partnerships pivotal asa to dismantling black markets.