Actor Randeep Hooda, recently starred in and directed the biopic Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, he spoke about what was previously the most difficult role that he ever played. He said that to get the skin of Sarabjit Singh in the biopic. he tried to duplicate the feeling of being locked in a jail cell. Sarabjit Singh was Indian farmer who was convicted of imposition after wandering into Pakistan. he spent several years in jail.
In an appearance on the BeerBiceps podcast, Randeep Hooda looked back on his experience of playing Sarabjit on screen, and the bond that he formed with played in the movie by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. He said that access to a lots of the letters to his sister in freedom. I’had seen a lot of photos and letters to his family . I kind of knew what gone through. In his letters, he ask about his family, his village. He said didn’t know how to play someone who’d been locked up in prison for 22 years.
the bond that he developed with Sarabjit’s family, Randeep say , “While making the movie, more than Aishwarya. A great bond with Sarabjit sister. She has passed away now, and her desire was that I come and give fire to her funeral pyrey.. I wish I had more time with her, she just lady, and she looked Sarabjit’s kids vary well. They’re all settled, I’m in touch with them now. That movie had a real-life impact.Randeep is now gearing up for the release of Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. this controversial biopic of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Hindu nationalist better known as Veer Savarkar. The film was originally supposed to be directed by Mahesh Majrekar, who departed due to creative differences with Randeep hooda. The actor subsequently took over as director, making this his directorial debut.