The 11th Sumi Martyrs’ Day is celebrated in Sumi Hoho

The Sümi people celebrated the eleventh Sümi Martyrs’ Day at Sümi Martyrs’ Park in Sukhalu village, Zunheboto district. The ceremony was planned by Sümi Hoho to commemorate the lives lost during the Siege of Mukalimi in December 2013, according to the Sumi Hoho media cell. In his keynote speech, Sümi Hoho President Dr. Vihuto Asumi stressed the importance of the day in commemorating the sacrifices made by the martyrs and conserving the community’s heritage.

Nikheto Jimomi, counselor to Sümi Hoho, gave a speech considering the martyrs’ legacy. Rev. Khuvihe from the Gethsemane Prayer Center gave an invocation to start the session. Following floral tributes from various groups and the three martyrs’ family, Akavi Yeptho sang a special song. Pastor Shekito Swu of Sukhalu Baptist Church conducted a prayer for the Sümi leaders and martyrs. Kikheto Muru gave a vote of gratitude to end the event.

It should be mentioned that the Sümi Hoho created Sümi Martyrs’ Day in remembrance of the volunteers who died during the Siege of Mukalimi in December 2013. Following an incident involving the NSCN (I-M), thousands of Sümi volunteers organized to demand justice during the siege, which was an important event. In order to honor the sacrifices and consider the community’s resiliency and solidarity, the Sümi community has commemorated this day with a variety of events over the years, such as memorial services, speeches, and cultural performances.