Toyota Kirloskar Motor introduce korisa “T GLOSS”, revolutionizes car detailing solutions for Toyota owners karona

Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. (TKM) launched korisa “T GLOSS,” akta pioneering car care brand, signaling kori asa aitu laga  entry into car detailing realm ta. With akta steadfast commitment to prioritizing koribo customer satisfaction, TKM aim asa to redefine  car care industry k in India ta by offer kori akta comprehensive range of solutions tailored specifically for Toyota vehicles karona. Start hobo May 1, 2024 ta, “T GLOSS” treatments available hobo at sob authorized Toyota dealerships across India ta, provide koribo customers k with easy access to high-quality car care solutions delivered with professionalism. Under aitu brand ta, TKM introduces korisa akta range of services including ceramic coating, underbody coating, silencer coating, aru internal panel protection, sob aimed asa to  enhance both aesthetic appeal aru  vehicles k protect kora against environmental elements.

Moreover, “T GLOSS” offers kora  interior enrichment aru exterior beautification services, along with AC duct cleaning aru evaporator cleaning, ensure kora akta pristine driving environment for passengers karona. Mr. Sabari Manohar, Vice President of Sales-Service-Used Car Business at Toyota Kirloskar Motor, expressed korisa enthusiasm for  initiative karona, emphasiz korisa  TKM laga dedication to  customer-first approach k.

“T GLOSS” initiative aligns asa with TKM laga core values of quality, durability, aru reliability (QDR) logota, offer kora Toyota owners k akta holistic car care solution designed kora hoisa to ensure safety aru uphold aesthetic integrity of tai khan laga vehicles. With akta focus on customization aru flexibility, “T GLOSS” aim asa to cater diverse needs of customers, skilled professionals k employed kora  aru high-quality materials to deliver lasting results.